White House Controversy: Unraveling the Meetings with Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade

In a developing and politically charged story, there is a growing demand for transparency regarding two pivotal meetings that occurred in 2022 at the White House with Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade.

3 min readJan 9, 2024
Fani Willis/AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Wade’s involvement in the Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ Georgia election-interference case against Donald Trump and others has brought these meetings under intense scrutiny.

The Unveiling of the Meetings

These meetings first came to light when Michael Roman, one of the defendants in the case, revealed them in a 127-page filing.

Roman’s assertion is that Willis did not possess the legal authority to appoint Nathan Wade as a special prosecutor, laying the foundation for potential legal challenges.

Allegations of a Clandestine Relationship

Furthermore, the filings made by Roman claim a “clandestine personal relationship” between Willis and Wade, which allegedly led to personal gains at the taxpayers’ expense.




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